Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hidden causes of your NOT losing weight.

Almost all the women, trying to lose weight, know the following situation: you choose an appropriate diet, keep it and even lose some kilos – and that’s all! You are not losing weight in spite of your tries and sufferings. Every morning you, with bated breath, stand up on a balance, but a pointer seems to mock at you. You feel gloomy, and your hope to get a slender figure is dying away. There’s no need to despair! Change your weight loss stragedy. Let’s analyse the hidden causes, which can prevent you from losing weight.

Cause 1: Cold dusky days
Recent investigations say that in winter, early spring and late autumn (October, November, March and April) people tend to get extra 500-1500 kcal. every day.
It concerns people suffering from seasonal depression, which signs are bad mood, irritaion or tiredness, break down. Almost 20% people have seasonal depression. It is caused by shortening of a day, lowering of serotonin and dopamine in brain, which increases sugar starvation. That’s why we eat more sweets and other carbs in winter.
What to do? To go to the Canaries for the whole winter? There is a way out: try to get more sunlight. Stay outdoors at least 15-30 minutes at noon when solar activity is the highest possible. You must remember that you have a psychological starvation, not a physical one. Try to provide yourself with fresh vegetables and fruit, and also grains.

Cause 2: Happy marriage.
Of course, you are not going to sacrifice your figure to your marriage, but it happens. In 2 years of marriage women begin to put on 0.5-2 kg. a year. As the matter of the fact, gastronomic preferences within a couple become alike with time. As a rule, it is a woman who slaves to a man. When you live alone, you can easily eat a salad for supper or miss it. But when you are married and you have a big family, you cook cometing tasty willy-nilly.

Try to enlist the support of your husband and children. Cook low-cal food several times a week. Try to yield to their persuasion “to have a snack”. Go in for sport with your husband. Statistics says that in this case women seldom give up exercising.

Cause 3: Sofa and TV-set
According to the recent investigations, 93% of overweighted people spend more than 2 hours a day watching TV. The matter is that while watching TV they are motionless. Heartbeat, pressure and metabolism are slowing down. If you watch TV 5 hours a day, you put on almost a kilo per a month. Moreover, many people like to have a snack while watching TV.
The way out is simple: do something while seeing your favorite films or programmes. For example, knit! Or do some exercises.

Cause 4: Lack of sleep.
The lack of sleep influence badly our appearance and it slows down the metabolism. The level of leptine – a hormone of hunger – increases and it can bring to swift weight gaining. Of course, we speak about long chronical not getting enough sleep. It concerns the people who work at night.
Do not make your sleep a sacrifice. Most women need 7-8 hour sleep. Take a nap in thr afternoon.

Cause 5: Unsuitable diet.
Losing weight stops if you are keeping a monodiet – for example eating only rice or bananas during the long period time. As usually, such diets have an effect in first 2-3 days, but then they stop to work.
Separate nutrition diet seldom have an effect. It improves digestion and state of health, but it seldom helps to lose weight.

Salt-free diets always help to keep your weight on the same level. But it’s the best variant you may have. You’ll soon get tired, feel lazy. Just limit all kind of salted and smoked foods. But there is no sense in giving the salt up.You must balance what you eat. You’ll get better results only if you choose a very slow complex programm of losing weight.

Cause 6: Cyclical crisis of weight.
You can easily lose weight, when keeping diets and going in for sport during the last phase of menstrual cycle. The increased level of oestrogen and progesterone speeds up the metabolism, with their help women lose theit weight.
But sometimes premenstrual syndrome provokes edemas and liquid accumulation. It doesn’t matter what diet you keep, you can gain 2 kg.! Do not torture yourself, wait a little bit and try to drink diuretic tea for 2-3 days.


Your Linda. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino