1. Fish. The ancient Japanese said: "Those who want to take care of their heart should eat more fish than meat". Three fish courses a week or 30 gr. fish a day reduce the possibility of heart-attack due to the fatty acids Omega-3 which the fish has. These acids work on cellular membranes. Statistics says that the Japanese and the Eskimos suffer from heart-attack much more seldom than the nations who can't eat fish products very often.
2. Apples. An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Actually, eating an apple a day you have less chances to be taken ill with Alzheimer disease. The substances contained in apples, particularly quercitine, have antiphlogistic function and reduce harmful effect of free radicals. In apples there are also vitamins and microelements, which help to develop immunity and to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
3. Garlic is indispensable when treating cold. Besides, it helps to prevent from the stomach and bowels cancer and improves digestion. One of the most important properties of garlic is protection from vascular diseases. The substances, contained in garlic, clean out the vessels and prevent from blood-vessel occlusion.
4. Strawberry. The point is that you don't need to eat lemons to get enough vitamin C - you may eat strawberries as it has lots of vitamin C. But it is not the only virtue of strawberries - high level of iron increases immunity. Some dye-stuffs and essential oils hold in formation of special enzymes, provoking to cancer.
5. Carrot. Beta-carotene neutralises free radicals, destroying genic structure and provoking cancer. Besides, it acts upon skin condition and eye-sight. But you must remember, that beta-carotene dissolves in fat, that is why a carrot salad should be seasoned with oil or sour cream.
6. Hot chili pepper improves metabolism, forwarding losing weight. Capsicinum, conditioning on the bitter taste of pepper, stimulates digestive juices and protects from harmful bacteria in the stomach and bowels.
7. Sweet pepper is also health-giving. It contains not only vitamin C, but also a staining agent luteolin. Even in small quantities luteolin keeps back cancer development, cardiovascular diseases and age-related changes.
8. Banana is the most nourishing and rich in carbohydrates fruit. Bananas have different ballast substances, preventing from diabetes. Magnesium contained in a banana is 1/6 of a daily need.
9. Green tea. Miraculous characteristics of green tea can be explained by catechine which is contained in it. This bioactive substance blocks the development of atherosclerosis and prostate cancer. If you wish to lose weight, green tea is quite all right, but to burn your fat you should drink at least 4 cups of tea a day. There is no catechine in black tea - it is destroyed while producing the tea.
10. Soy has lots of lecithin and vitamins of group B, which intensifies thinking and functioning of the nervous system. Soy is also known as irreplaceable source of protein and can take the place of animal protein. Though soy is an unusual product for the European, the recent investigations prove its usefulness. It concerns particularly soy germs.
11. Milk belongs to the basic foodstuffs not without good reason. There are valuable proteins, easily digested fats and lactose. The most useful ingredient is calcium. The scientists stated that calcium, accumulated in youth, helps to avoid osteoporosis in old age. It is also necessary for nervous and muscular systems.
People always try to determine the most useful products. The Daily Mirror published the list in which there are brown rice, eggs, milk, spinach, bananas, chicken, salmon, bilberries, herbage and garlic. Some natural food can be used as medicine. For example, cherry juice helps to cope with exercise stress, American scientists from the Vermont university say. The dose recommended is a glass of juice or 45 berries. Specialists suppose that such an effect can be explained by the anti-inflammatory action of the antioxidants and substances, contained in cherry.
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